If you're up for trying something different, then you won't want to miss Gastrogig's Skin Deep pop-up restaurant on January 25 2013.

The fifth installment of Gastrogig will see a trio of tattooed chefs, LeVeL33's Jimi Tegerdine, Bali-based James Tombleson and Raj Abat from Culina Global Utama, teaming up to create a special one-night-only four-course dinner happening from 7pm till midnight.

Each inked chef's specialty dish will be accompanied by their favorite rock & roll tracks, and in the spirit of things, the courses will also be paired with craft brews.

The venue has yet to be revealed and will only be SMSed to diners 25 hours before the dinner, along with a secret access code.

To book yourself a spot, log on to www.gastrogig.com now (limited to 200 guests).