Directed by Brad Anderson; starring Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo, Jacob Latimore

“Please. If you’re going to ask audiences to submit to a dim theater themselves, at least greet them with the proper monster they paid for.” Joshua Rothkopf, Time Out New York

“Vanishing on 7th Street feels like a classic in the making until we get to know the main characters.” Christian Toto, What Would Toto Watch?

“This is The Twilight Zone as written by Jean Paul Sartre. What audacity! What vision! And, alas, what a failure.” Tirdad Derakhshani, Time Out New York

“There are a few moments in the film that suggest just how a subtle, creepy version of that film might play. This is not that version.” Drew McWeeny, HitFix

“Clothes minus their bodies are strewn around a darkened world in a bizarre wardrobe malfunction, and kind of the opposite of airport body scanning. Though why none of these highly resourceful characters thought night vision goggles, is anybody’s guess.” Prairie Miller, NewsBlaze


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