Issue Date: 
Feb 1 2007 - 11:00pm
city living

Here’s the latest dispatch from Pancake, our 15-year-old international school correspondent. Hey guys! Have you all been paying attention to the news? I mean, like, not every day or whatever but just in general. Coz there is sooo much going on in this world that we should know about, not just celebrities and makeup and stuff.Anyways, so there’s this guy Surayud, who is our prime minister now. He’s actually pretty cute, and I bet he was a real hottie when he was younger, which I think helps a lot when you’re running the government and you want people to do stuff for you. Then there is this other group of grandpa generals called the Council for National Security who are kinda like his bosses because they were the ones who gave him the job.A lot of people are saying that Surayud and the council totally suck, but I feel sorry for them. I mean, they probably haven’t worked full-time for, like, ever and they totally forgot how hard it is. Believe me I know coz I had to do this internship last summer and they made me come in at 9 and once I broke two nails in the same day.   Anyways, the big problem is that old people don’t really understand about PR coz they weren’t raised with it like we were. Like they keep talking about Thaksin and what a total dick he is. Hello? We already know he’s a dick. But now the generals look like dicks, too, because they keep bitching and whining and telling the press not to report on him.It’s like when my BFF Toon broke up with Dan and Dan flipped out at his friends for still talking to us and everyone could see what a total loser he is. Censorship is sooo lame. It doesn’t matter how much you hate the person or how much you’re hurting on the inside, outside you have to be chill-chill.The other advice I’d like to give them is to be more positive! You should always wear a smile on your face even when you’re totally bummed out. If you want people to like you, you should always look happy. And you should say nice things about them, too, if you don’t have to lie too much.Also, I think people would like the CNS guys a lot more and it would even be good for the local fashion industry if they changed their outfits more often and had, like, theme days. For example, with my gang we’ll say, like, “Wednesday is Indian day” and we’ll wear these really cute saris or “Friday is black-and-white day” and we all wear black and white.Let’s support our government everybody!